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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Online Personal Training?
    The difference with online vs in-person training is that everything is virtual. My online clients get access to my custom app which is where I upload all your workouts, meal plans, macro breakdowns. You then have complete control over when you schedule them in and where you do these workouts.

  • Do I need any fitness equipment?
    The simple answer is no. This programme is design for you and you alone, so if you don't own any weights etc or have access to a gym then I will design the workout to be free of equipment

  • How many workouts per week will I get?
    This is bespoke programme, so I design it to fit into your lifestyle and to fit your health goals so it can vary from person to person. The maximum number of workouts each week would be 6 (we all need a rest day!)

  • I've tried training programmes before and struggled to commit, how is this any different?
    Online training is brilliant for accountability, in fact many find it even more preferable to face to face sessions. The reason is I have greater access to your data as everything is tracked via the app. I can track when you workout in the app so if I can see you have a workout scheduled I can give you that extra motivation when you most need it. You get to log your workouts and meals and you can leave me comments so I can see how you are getting on and make suggestions. You can also sync your smartwatch and /or fitness apps such as My Fitness Pal and Fitbit to the app so it pulls through your nutrition, heart rate and step data to give me an accurate overview of how hard you are doing.  It's like having me there all the time, in your pocket! 

  • ​​​​​​​I'm a complete beginner, how will I know what to do?
    I will be holding your hand the whole way through. For every workout there are short clips of me explaining how to do each exercise. You can also leave comments after each workout or message me through the app to flag any issues or obstacles and I can advise you.

  • Will I be able to speak to you if I need to?
    You can message me 24/7 with questions or to give me feedback and I always aim to answer within the few hours. Also you have the option once a week to schedule a 30 min coaching call with me which we can do over zoom or phone (up to you) so we can discuss absolutely anything be it the programme or just in a general 'how are you doing?'

  • I'm a busy lady, how will I fit the workouts in?
    I am a working mum of two so I know first hand how challenging it can be to make time for exercise. One of the best features of online training is YOU schedule the workouts to fit your diary.  Sometimes, though I know its not as easy as that (especially with small kids around), so that is something we discuss in our initial call and I will give you coaching on.

  • What if I have to go away for work, or get ill?
    If you know you are travelling for work and let me know, I can adapt your programme to include equipment you will have access to where ever you are travelling to - or you can simply pause it. When it comes to getting sick, I'm a big believe in good nutrition, sleep and rest being the best remedy so again you can pause your training until you feel better.

  • How will my progress be tracked?
    When you sign up, the app will prompt you to enter your current measurement and photos and it will prompt again through the course of your programme. This data, including photos is 100% confidential with just you and me being able to access it. I will never use my clients stats, data or photos without prior specific written consent

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